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In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Methods

What are TESE and PESA?

TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction) ve PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration), azoospermia or cryptozoospermia These are two surgical methods used to obtain sperm in such cases. In these cases, there are no sperm or very few sperm in the semen sample.

The main difference between TESE and PESA; It is where the sperm is taken from.

  • TESA: In this method, sperm is removed directly from the testicle through a surgical procedure. This procedure is usually done under general anesthesia.
  • PESA: In this method, sperm is taken with a thin needle from a small tube called the epididymis, which is connected to the testicle. This procedure is usually done under local anesthesia.

Which method to use depends on the patient's specific situation and the doctor's preference.

TESE and PESA both have some advantages and disadvantages.

Applied Methods

Micro Tese

Advantages of TESE

  • There is a high chance of getting more sperm.
  • Sperm can be obtained from the epididymis even if there are blocked or damaged sperm ducts.

Disadvantages of TESE

  • It is a more invasive procedure and requires general anesthesia.
  • It can cause more pain and discomfort.
  • The risk of infection is higher.

Advantages of PESA

  • It is a less invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia.
  • It causes less pain and discomfort.
  • The risk of infection is lower.

Disadvantages of PESA

  • There is less chance of obtaining sperm compared to TESE.
  • If there are blocked or damaged sperm ducts from the epididymis, sperm may not be obtained.

After undergoing TESE or PESA, sperm can be used in IVF treatment. Frozen sperm can also be used.

For more information about TESE or PESA, you can consult a urologist or andrologist.

Additional Information:

  • Micro TESE: This method is a more advanced version of TESE and is performed under a microscope. This method offers the chance to obtain more sperm with less tissue damage.
  • MESA (Microdissection Epididymal Sperm Aspiration): This method is similar to PESA, but a microscope is used to collect sperm from the epididymis. This method increases the chance of obtaining sperm if there are blocked or damaged sperm ducts.

Micro TESE

Micro TESE is a more advanced version of TESE. azoospermia or cryptozoospermia It is a surgical method used to obtain sperm in such cases. In these cases, there are no sperm or very few sperm in the semen sample.

Unlike classic TESE During the micro TESE procedure, the doctor examines the testicular tissue to increase the likelihood of finding sperm. microscope uses. This procedure is usually done under general anesthesia.

Advantages of Micro TESE

  • There is a high chance of obtaining more sperm with less tissue damage.
  • It increases the possibility of obtaining sperm even if the sperm ducts are blocked or damaged.
  • It is a more successful method than classical TESE.

Disadvantages of Micro TESE

  • Since it is still a surgical procedure, like TESE, there is pain and risk of infection.
  • It may be more expensive than other sperm retrieval methods.

How to use sperm after micro TESE?

Sperm obtained by micro TESE can be used in IVF treatment. Frozen sperm can also be used.


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