In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Methods

PBMC Infusion

Uterine Immune Therapy

PBMC Infusion judicial IVF A new vaccine is coming that can be used in treatment. Between them President of the World Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization Association Prof. Dr. Timur GürganThe team, including , applied the vaccine, developed with fluids containing special hormone-stimulated blood cells, to 126 people who could not have children despite trying IVF and whose pregnancies most ended in miscarriage. Gürgan and President of the Mediterranean Countries Reproductive Association, Prof. Dr. Antonis Makgriannakis's teams evaluated the results of the study in Ankara. Explaining the study to Hürriyet Prof. Dr. Gurgan said:

Applied Methods

Uterine Immunity Problems
Hope of becoming a mother:
PBMC Infusion

ivf center

Uterine immunity treatment with PBMC is carried out in two stages…

“The implementation is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, women who will be treated are given a liquid to strengthen the uterine lining between the 16th and 18th days of their menstrual period. This liquid is called 'Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor', which can balance the immune system. Later to ivf treatment starting. egg collection 'Special repair' cells isolated from blood taken during the procedure are grown in a laboratory environment. pregnancy vaccine Unlike the technique used in the method, secretion from the brain is added to the development environment. Corticotropin Attack Hormone (CRH) is added. Thus, the intrauterine membrane becomes stronger and becomes able to easily accommodate the healthy embryo. burial is winning.


fertility vaccine

We Achieved Our Dreams with PBMC Infusion


Stating that she tried IVF 14 times during their 6-year marriage, and that she got pregnant the first time, but this resulted in a miscarriage, she said, “I tried ivf 6 times in total and I tried IUI once. We did the last one with this technique and I got pregnant the first time. "I am currently pregnant with my 2.5-month-old twin babies and I am very happy," she said.

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Stating that she is 7 months pregnant and expecting a baby girl, she said: “I have been married for 13 years, I have had 5 miscarriages, and I have had 4 negative IVF attempts. My wife and I continued on our way without losing hope. "We finally achieved our dream," he said.

PBMC can be applied up to the age of 40…

Prof. Dr. Antonis Makgriannakis ise CRH He stated that with the strong positive effect of the hormone, the developing cells are stimulated and produce substances and hormones that increase the uterine lining. He emphasized that the procedure significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage. Makgriannakis continued: “When this process is combined with the use of 'Genetically Balanced and Stored' embryos, maximum personalized success chance can be achieved and in appropriate cases pregnancy rates It can exceed 40 percent or even 60 percent. This new technique polycystic ovary disease, intrauterine thickening, chocolate cysts and can be applied to women with intrauterine infection problems. It is also suitable for women with blood clotting problems. Technique in IVF treatment experiencing repeated failures and miscarriages, women up to 40 years old It can also be used for.

PMBC raises hopes!

With the newly developed 'Fertility Vaccine' technique, the chances of motherhood for women who have failed IVF treatment can increase.

President of the World Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization Association, Member of the Board of Directors of the Mediterranean Countries Reproductive Association, Medical Director of Gürgan Clinic Prof. Dr. Timur Gürgan told:

What determines the chance of pregnancy in in vitro fertilization treatment?

The first is the genetic structure and quality of the embryo formed as a result of the sperm fertilizing the egg in IVF treatments. The second important point is the suitability of the area called endometrium, which lines the inside of the uterus, for embedding the embryo.

The suitability of the embryo for pregnancy is evaluated through a special drug treatment and laboratory analysis that we call 'Genetic Balancing'. Here, cabinets and video monitoring systems that serve as personalized wombs are used to ensure better development of embryos and to find the best ones. With this method, healthy embryos can be selected.

Going further, these embryos are genetically analyzed and the ones closest to pregnancy can be separated. In addition, these selected embryos can be stored for later use by the freezing method called 'vitrification' for the desired period of time. Thus, the embryos that will give the highest chance of pregnancy are selected and made available for IVF treatment. However, even if the best embryo is found, the inside of the uterus must be suitable for pregnancy and, in other words, ready.

What disrupts intrauterine suitability?

If there is a problem with the layer called endometrium that lines the inside of the uterus, it may not be possible for the embryo to attach and the pregnancy to develop. In these cases, even if pregnancy occurs, the risk of miscarriage is high. As a result, the chance of giving birth to a healthy baby remains low. The most important of the conditions that prevent pregnancy by disrupting the structure of the uterus is the imbalance of the immune system cells that enable the embryo to be embedded and attached to the uterus and their inability to provide sufficient support to the embryo to achieve pregnancy. Disruption of intrauterine cell immune balance:

  • genetic deficiencies,
  • Immune system-related diseases and blood clotting disorders,
  • Polycystic ovary disease and obesity
  • Chocolate cysts, myomas
  • Developmental irregularities due to egg enhancing drugs used,
  • It may be related to uterine anomalies.

fertility vaccine, timur gürgan

Are there any treatment methods for problems in the uterine lining?

Yes, there are some new treatments for this. Some of these techniques can increase the chance of pregnancy in cases of IVF treatment failure due to the above reasons. Also known as 'Fallow Technique', 'Cumulus Cells Embryo Support', 'Intrauterine Compatibility Test' and especially Fertility Vaccination, which is applied inside the uterus with the help of special optical systems. Uterine Immunotherapy affects the balancing of the system.

For example, we have a method that has been tested and published on 200 cases. This technique, called 'fertility vaccination', can increase the success of IVF treatment. It is especially effective in women who have not been able to get pregnant despite 2 or more previous IVF applications or who have had a miscarriage despite getting pregnant. In our latest study of the improved version of the treatment, 3 women who had previously undergone 186 or more unsuccessful IVF treatments were included in the study group. The results of patients receiving fertility vaccine treatment were compared with the control group.

In patients who received fertility vaccination, the probability of miscarriage was found to be 17.9%, and the rate of taking home a live child was 34.4%. In the untreated group, the miscarriage rate was 41.6% and the chance of taking a child home was 14.1%. The results show that the fertility vaccine increases pregnancy rates by 2 times and reduces miscarriage rates by 60% in women with uterine lining problems. Thus, our treatment significantly increases the possibility of the family taking home a live child in women with problems with the uterine lining.

How is the PBMC infusion administered?

IVF treatment is started after the woman menstruates. "Special repair" cells and "immune system supporting" cells, which are separated from the blood taken during egg collection, are grown in a laboratory environment.

secreted from the brain into the developmental environment Corticotropin Attack Hormone (CRH) is added. With the strong positive effect of this hormone, developing cells are stimulated and produce substances and hormones that increase the lining of the uterus. Fluids containing substances and hormones produced by stimulated and processed cells are administered into the uterus 48 hours before embryo transfer, balancing the membrane and increasing the ability to accept embryos as healthy.

Embryos that are determined or thought to be genetically good are placed into the uterus by detecting the area with the highest embeddedness using three-dimensional ultrasound within 48 hours following this procedure.

In this way, the immune and genetic structure of the uterus is balanced and the highest individual chance of pregnancy is achieved. This process ““Genetically Balanced and Preserved” When combined with the use of embryos, maximum personalized success chances can be achieved and pregnancy rates can exceed 50% in suitable cases.

In some special cases, women who will be treated for this treatment should be given between 8-10 days of their menstrual period, depending on their characteristics. fallowing technique is being implemented. Fallowing is when the inner wall of the uterus is examined with a camera and a special procedure is performed to ensure that the uterus accepts the baby. Or, especially to women who have had previous miscarriages, a factor called G-CSF, which can balance intrauterine genes and the immune system, is given to strengthen the uterine lining. In other words, everything is adjusted according to the characteristics, problems and needs of the woman and the couple. Nothing more, nothing less!


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