Culture Fluid Usage
Special culture fluids are used that contain all the substances needed for the development of embryos in the external environment. Fertilization and embryo development are carried out in liquids (mediums) that have characteristics closest to body fluids.
In recent years, personalized fluids have been used for fertilization and embryo development, taking into account the woman's age, egg quality, previous treatment results and pregnancy losses. In the embryo detox model we developed, solutions containing additional growth hormones and special supporting substances ensure quality embryo development.
Patient-Specific Incubators
Embryos are developed in special devices called 'incubators', which mimic the mother's womb. These tools; It provides suitable heat, humidity and environment for eggs and embryos. Opening the lids of the devices too much, decreasing the gas pressure used and temperature changes disrupt the environment and harm embryo development. Fertilization of each patient's egg, embryo development and preparation for transfer into the uterus are carried out in specially allocated areas. Thus, the above-mentioned problems are eliminated and the negative effects of external factors are prevented.
Embryo Imaging Systems
(Time-based monitoring of embryo development with camera and selection of the best developing embryo)
Choosing a quality embryo with a high adhesion rate to the uterine membrane is of great importance in increasing pregnancy success. With the specified system, embryo development is monitored and examined by embryologists 2-3 times every day until the day of transfer, and the embryos considered to be the best are transferred on the transfer day.
The selection of the best quality embryo to be transferred in the embryology laboratory is made by examining some morphological features under the microscope. These evaluations are made at fixed time intervals in accordance with the cleavage stages of the embryo, and during these time periods it is checked whether the embryos comply with the desired conditions. Some changes that may be indicators of the quality of the embryo may be overlooked in classical embryo evaluation. An embryo that is considered first quality before transfer may show an abnormal division process the night before and may be the cause of negative results that we cannot explain.
With the imaging system, also called time-lapse, no stage of embryonic development is missed anymore. Each embryo is recorded 24 hours a day with the camera attached to the microscope. During evaluation and selection, retrospective video recordings can be easily examined, those with abnormal characteristics can be eliminated and healthier embryos can be selected.
Another advantage is that since the controls are made with the internal camera system throughout the process from microinjection to transfer, the embryos are never taken out to the outside environment. Thus, temperature, humidity, etc. They are not affected by external environmental conditions. Studies have proven that this uninterrupted culture monitoring system positively affects embryo quality.
It is used to select the best embryos for patients who will undergo embryo transfer, to detect developmental problems in patients who could not achieve pregnancy despite the transfer of good quality embryos in previous attempts, and to improve embryo quality by protecting them from the effects of the external environment in patients who do not have good quality embryos.
Cumulus Cells Co-Culture (Method of Pre-Introducing the Embryo into the Uterus / Embryo Support)
Under natural conditions, when the sperm fertilizes the egg, there are cumulus cells around the egg that support it. During embryo development in the natural environment, these cells accompany and support the embryo until it attaches to the uterine wall. These cells are also called embryo support cells. However, to perform microinjection under laboratory conditions, the egg is removed from these cells and these cells are not used and are thrown away.
The purpose of this is to determine egg quality and perform microinjection under the right conditions. Studies show that the secretions of cumulus cells positively affect embryo development.
Therefore, in IVF treatment, when the embryo quality is not good or there are repeated unsuccessful attempts, in order to correct this process and to imitate the natural environment to some extent, we do not throw away the cumulus cells, but grow them in special solutions and develop the eggs by placing them between these cells after microinjection.
Under laboratory conditions, we obtain conditions similar to the natural environment. In this way, our patients obtain higher quality embryos with a higher chance of survival compared to their previous attempts.
In our clinic, various studies on Cumulus Co-Culture have been carried out for years. A study we conducted with over 400 patients with repeated unsuccessful IVF treatments shows that the number of first quality embryos and pregnancy rate increases with Cumulus Co-Culture.
This application helps to achieve successful results especially in cases of poor embryo development, recurrent IVF failure, polycystic ovary patients, endometriosis and chocolate cysts.
Assisted Hatching (Laser Shaving)
The area surrounding the egg and protecting it from external factors, called zona pellucida The supplied membrane may be thick in some cases. In this case, the embryo is free It may become obstructed and prevent it from attaching to the endometrium, which is the wall of the mother's uterus. In such cases, this membrane can be thinned or thinned with laser or chemicals. A hole is opened so that the embryo can attach to the uterine membrane more easily This increases the chance of pregnancy.
Supported Embryo Culture (Embryo Detox)
Embryos develop in special media (culture media) under laboratory conditions. These media contain all the substances an embryo needs during its development process. Despite this, poor embryo quality, implantation (attachment to the uterine wall) failure or miscarriage may occur.
In such cases, the development of embryos is monitored in special solutions containing growth factors. Growth factors are special promoters that naturally stimulate cellular growth, proliferation, healing and bring about cellular differentiation.
GM-CSF is one of the structures that play a role in the attachment of embryos and stimulate cell proliferation in regulating embryos. (Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor). GMCSF is derived from the female reproductive system. Embryos have special receptors that can interact with GM-CSF. It mediates the communication between the embryo and the mother's uterine wall. GM-CSF increases blastocyst development, supports adherence, significantly increases pregnancy rates, reduces miscarriages and increases the live birth rate.
Since optimal conditions for embryonic development are provided, it is used in patients with repeated IVF attempts, poor embryo development, advanced maternal age, patients with low ovarian reserve, frozen embryo cycles and especially in patients with miscarriages in the early stages of pregnancy.
Studies conducted at our center show that solutions containing GM-CSF increase the rate of ongoing pregnancy by 44%.
PRP Process; It is the process of injecting platelet-enriched plasma obtained from your own blood by centrifugation method into the endometrium tissue and/or ovary at the specified time and manner. This process; It is performed under sedation or without sedation with a catheter or needle, depending on the determined treatment method.
Ovarian PRP; Endometrium PRP is applied to the ovaries in women with low ovarian reserve (producing few eggs or incapable of obtaining eggs), women with irregular menstrual cycles or amenorrhea, patients with polycystic ovaries, women with poor egg quality or embryo development; It is applied to a special area under the uterine membrane in order to support the burying of the good embryo in women who have repeated IVF treatment failure and whose endometrium thickness does not reach a sufficient level.
Delicate balances play a role in a couple having a child. When there is a disturbance in any of these balances, there may be delays in the couple's ability to become pregnant spontaneously or with the help of assisted reproductive techniques, or pregnancy may not occur at all.