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The vicious circle of society reduces the fertility rate!

The vicious circle of society reduces the fertility rate!

The decline in fertility rates, which President Erdoğan brought to the agenda in his recent speeches, emerges as a result of social and economic dynamics. President of the Turkish Reproductive Medicine Society Foundation, Prof. Dr. Timur Gürgan evaluated the issue of infertility and decreased fertility for the readers of

Turkey's fertility rate has shown a significant decline in recent years. A decrease in the fertility rate, which was 2001 in 2.38, to 2023 in 1.51 is on Turkey's agenda. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan do draws attention to the decline in fertility rates in his recent speeches. Health problems have a great impact on the decline in birth rates, as well as social and economic difficulties. Another reason for the decline in fertility is the infertility rate, which was 30 percent 25 years ago in our country, and has risen to 45 percent today. The decline in Turkey's fertility rate is based on multifaceted reasons, and experts explain that comprehensive strategies are needed for the solution. Stating that increasing economic supports, improving health services and increasing social awareness will be important steps in solving this problem, Prof. Dr. Timur Gürgan, incentives for families and ivf treatment He underlines that making methods such as more accessible and providing solutions to the subsequent problems of couples who do not voluntarily have children will increase the effectiveness of policies to increase Turkey's young population.

Reasons for the Decline in Fertility Rate

While Turkey's fertility rate was higher in previous periods, it has been decreasing in recent years for various reasons. Gürgan explained the medical and economic reasons behind this decline with the following words: “Infertility is defined as the situation where couples cannot have children even though they want them. While this rate used to be around 10-15 percent, today the rate of infertility has increased in both women and men due to obesity, hormone disorders and immune system problems. Decreased sperm quality in men and decreased egg quality in women are among the factors that trigger this condition. Factors such as the intensity of non-medical problems in the country and the inability of young couples to see the future also negatively affect the fertility rate.” Stating that the stress brought about by modern life, unhealthy eating habits and environmental factors also reduce fertility rates, Gürgan said, “Eating non-organic foods, hormonal imbalances and environmental toxins are factors that negatively affect the reproductive health of both women and men.” baby-tube-treatment

“Let There Be No Family Without Children” Project

“No Families Left Without Children Project” in Turkey infertility problemStating that he aims to solve the problem, Gürgan explained the project with the following words: “According to the project, couples experiencing infertility should be made aware, they should be able to reach appropriate treatment centers with the support of the state and receive economic support. This the goal of the projectis to give every family the chance to have a healthy child and to solve the problem of infertility throughout the country. The association is a non-governmental organization that aims to support couples who have problems conceiving and to raise public awareness. In the project, various studies are carried out to reduce and find solutions to the problems experienced in the process of having children. "These activities include information, education, establishment of treatment centers, provision of support and consultancy services on legal issues."

Early Diagnosis is a Big Part of the Solution

Early diagnosis methods and technological developments play an important role in solving infertility problems. Reproductive health problems detected at an early stage in men and women can be overcome with appropriate treatment methods. Gürgan states that successful pregnancy rates can be increased with early diagnosis of menstrual problems, hormone disorders and other reproductive health problems.

Social and Sociological Effects

Decline in fertility ratesIt can also have important social and sociological consequences. The increase in divorce rates and the psychological and social pressures experienced by couples due to the inability to have children are among the direct effects of this decline. Prof. Dr. Timur Gürgan, pointed out the importance of addressing this situation not only as a medical but also a social problem.
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